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Projects by category: WASH Project

Increasing Access to Adequate, Affordable and Safe water in Midnimo, Kismayo town, Lower Juba Region.

  1.   ACTIVITY   APD is implementing a wash project in Midnimo settlement, Kismayo District lower Jubba Somalia with support from...

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Increasing Access to Adequate, Affordable and Safe water in Midnimo, Kismayo town, Lower Juba Region.

APD implemented a 5-month water, hygiene and sanitation (WASH) project in Midnimo settlement, Kismayo District lower Jubba Somalia with support from...

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APD World PACT Report

APD implemented a five year USAID funded regional conflict transformation program awarded to Pact in partnership with Mercy Corps in April...

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Intergrated Emergency Wash programme

  • Project Started on November 2013

Improvement of access to safe water, appropriate sanitation facilities and Hygiene for IDPS, returnees and urban poor families living in emergency...

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