APD implemented a 5-month water, hygiene and sanitation (WASH) project in Midnimo settlement, Kismayo District lower Jubba Somalia with support from GIZ. The project commenced on 26th November, 2018 and ended on 26th April, 2019. The overall objective of the project was to improve access to adequate, affordable and safe water to approximately 1200 household in Midnimo (NRC and ARC settlement) consisting of 1000 returnees, 150 IDPs, and 50 host community.
To achieve the stated objectives, APD conducted a series of activities that include;
- Community mobilization, sensitization and stakeholders meetings
- Renovation of 5 existing water points at ARC and NRC settlement
- Formation and training of 25 Midnimo self-help officials
- Training on monitoring and evaluation for APD project staff
- Recruitment of 5 water distributors by Midnimo self-help group in consultation with the ministry
- Purchase and distribution of 2400 empty 20 litre Jerrican for water transportation and storage
- One month water trucking
- Operationalization of water vending business
- Water treatment at the water points using chlorine
- Procurement of water tanks of 5m3 to be used at the water points for water storage Procurement of 10 plastic water tanks
APD has in all its activity implementation cooperated and coordinated with relevant ministries including ministry of water, energy and mineral resource, ministry of planning and international cooperation and ministry of commerce and industry. The ministry of water, energy and mineral resource has played a major role in helping us execute project deliverables. This includes establishing the Midnimo self-help group, recruiting the 5 water distributors, water treatment at the water points and training of the Midnimo self-help group. The ministry of planning and ministry of trade coordinated the registration of the Midnimo self- help group and facilitated the opening of a savings bank account for the water proceeds. The self-help group was equipped with knowledge on leadership dynamic skills, water and business management skills; this brought about sustainable water resource management.
The project has realized the anticipated and set objective within the 5 month project duration. The overall objective of the project was to improve access to adequate, clean and safe water, thereby providing access to basic services for approximately 1527 Households (9164 beneficiaries). This has been achieved by providing one-month of water trucking in which the community benefited from access to water with subsidized price, seven hundred and ninety thousand litres of (790,000 litres) has been supplied to Midnimo community. The price of one jerican of water reduced by 60% hence most of the community members who were low income earners could easily afford water. The most vulnerable were given free water daily.